The various designs and products shown on the product list are predominately decorative, with the exception of Quoins, Ashlar Blocks and String/Plinth Courses, which are load bearing in compression only.
Any galvanised ‘handling’ reinforcement steel incorporated in the various components, is as required and in accordance with the relevant British Standard.
Any third party using wholly or in part the detailed designs contained herein must ensure that those designs satisfy the necessary standards and building design requirements of the application concerned. Information and advice is given in good faith as is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and true, being offered without guarantee.
The Customer must, therefore, satisfy himself of the suitability of any of the products prior to them being used as Ilam Stone will not accept any responsibility for errors and omissions. Whilst detailed drawings may be provided prior to the commencement of manufacture, these are representations of the ‘Cast Stone’ and should, in all cases, be approved by the Architect and/or Structural Engineer. Balustrade systems are not designed to resist barrier loading as required in the Building regulations and in BS 6180.
The advice of a Structural Engineer should be obtained if barrier loading is to be resisted by the Balustrade system. In all cases advice should be sought from the appropriate specialist.
Colour Range
A wide range of Cast Stone Dressings are included in our ‘Standard Range’ in a variety of shapes and sizes, these are available either ex-stock (in ‘Buff’ colour) or cast from standard moulds, to reduce lead times. Included in this range are window and door surrounds, copings, corbels, quoins, porticos, balustrade and many more as indicated on our web page.
Manufacturing Tolerances
Dimensional tolerances permitted by BS 1217:1991:-
Dimension (mm) | Up to 600 | 601-1000 | 1001-2500 | 2501-4000 | >4000 | Tolerance (mm) | ±2 | ±3 | ±4 | ±5 | ±6 |
Flatness of Plain Surface
Maximum deviation from plane should not exceed 0.3% of the diagonal dimension of the item or 2mm whichever is the greater measured across two diagonals.
Compressive Strength and Density
> 35N/mm2 (35 MPa) – Typical Material Density = 2100kg/M3
Water Absorption
< 1.00mg/mm2 (Cap test)
Drying Shrinkage
< 0.04%
Thermal Conductivity ‘K’
Exposed: 1.40W/m degree C – Protected: 1.26W/m degree C.
We Offer The Following Services & Products
- Architectural Cast Stone
- Wet Cast Stone
- Lite Stone
- Range of Colours
- Architect Support Services
- CAD Drawing Service
- Sales from Yard
- Regular Clearance Lines
- Sales to self builders
Telephone: 01773 520088
Lydford Road,
Meadow Lane Industrial Estate,
DE55 7RQ
Hours of business
8:30am – 5.00pm
Saturday & Sunday: